Integrating gender into macroeconomic policy and The use of gender indicators in public policy-making.
This issue of the Gender Dialogue focuses on two programmatic areas of
ECLAC’s work over recent years, namely (i) integrating gender into macroeconomic policy and (ii) the use of gender
indicators in public policy-making. In its work on integrating gender into macroeconomic
policy, the ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean conducted
a study to determine the capacity of economic planning units in selected
countries of the subregion to integrate gender into the macreconomic planning
process and the findings are highlighted below. The study is intended to assist in the
development of a training agenda for Caribbean economic planners and others involved
in the formulation of macroeconomic policy. Further, as part of a wider
ECLAC project on the use of gender indicators in public policy–making, a database
of gender indicators for the Caribbean has been created and the broad elements of
the database are also presented in this issue.