Macroeconomic Report on Latin America and the Caribbean. June 2012
NU. CEPAL. División de Estadística y Proyecciones Económicas
The Macroeconomic Report on Latin America and the Caribbean is a new ECLAC publication designed to meet the need for up-to-date analysis of the region’s macroeconomic performance amid shifting conditions. The Macroeconomic Report thus complements the Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean and the Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean, which
ECLAC will continue to publish yearly along with other regular macroeconomic reports. With this publication, ECLAC aims to make the results of its integrated informative and analytical approach available to public institutions, the media, academia, private analysts and the broader public, covering salient aspects of current conditions as well as structural traits of the region’s macroeconomic development. The Macroeconomic Report on Latin America and the Caribbean is a new ECLAC publication designed to meet the need for up-to-date analysis of the region’s macroeconomic performance amid shifting conditions. The Macroeconomic Report thus complements the Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean and the Preliminary Overview of the Economies of Latin America and the Caribbean, which
ECLAC will continue to publish yearly along with other regular macroeconomic reports. With this publication, ECLAC aims to make the results of its integrated informative and analytical approach available to public institutions, the media, academia, private analysts and the broader public, covering salient aspects of current conditions as well as structural traits of the region’s macroeconomic development.