Artículos de revistas
Methodologies development and software quality metrics in educational applications
Chipia Lobo, Joan Fernando
Mousalli-Kayat, Gloria
Rivas E., Francklin I.
Artículo publicado en: Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on TELECOMMUNICATIONS and INFORMATICS. ISSN: 1790-5117. ISBN: 978-954-92600-2-1 This paper aims to show some of the aspects related to the need of using software development methodologies and software quality metrics for the generation of educational software applications that meet technical quality standards, plus provide an educational proposal for the solution of problems related to the teaching and learning. Software development methodologies present a structured way for carrying out computational development projects, for making more effective production and achieve high quality in an affordable way; the measurements of this quality is given by assigning a value to a software attribute, either a product or process and are collected as they perform the technical tasks of analysis, coding and testing. Educational programs must follow strict assessment processes for determining the appropriateness of such programs to the educational context. 195-200;; @joanfchipial