Tesis Magíster
Towards a model of anxiety in adolescents: the mediating role of emotional intelligence and perceived parenting styles
Knoll, Monja
Introduction: Anxiety is considered fairly common in young people, with high prevalence rates and the tendency to worsen over time. The associations between emotional intelligence, perceived parenting styles and anxiety in adolescence have already been established, but research has yet to test which configuration of these variables can create an adequate and explicative model of adolescent anxiety. The aim of this study is to examine and contrast two possible mediation models of anxiety symptoms in young people. Method: The present is a cross-sectional study. 173 participants aged 16-21 years (M= 19.27, SD=1.49) completed the online survey, being predominantly female (69%) and European (49%). Results: Mediation effects were found in the relation of maternal authoritative, maternal permissive and paternal authoritative styles with anxiety symptoms through emotional intelligence. When the sample is divided by gender, emotional intelligence mediates the relation of paternal and maternal authoritative parenting styles and anxiety only in females. In addition, paternal parenting style mediates the relation of emotional intelligence and anxiety in adolescents. Conclusion: Both models present some strengths and weaknesses. These findings could have applications in the clinical setting, particularly in psychological interventions aiming at preventing or reducing anxiety in adolescents. Keywords: Anxiety, Parenting, Emotional intelligence, Adolescence, Mediation.