Actas de congresos
Synoptic events force biological productivity in Patagonian Fjord Ecosystems
The annual cycle of primary productivity of the Patagonian fjords has, to date, been
described as a two phase system consisting of a short non productive winter phase
(during June and July) and a productive phase extending from late winter (August) to
autumn (May). Low levels of primary production, phytoplankton biomass and high
concentrations of surface nutrients have been described as characterizing winter
conditions while pulsed productivity events typifies the productivity pattern during the
extended productive season.
Pulsed productivity events characterize coastal waters where inorganic nutrients in
surface layers are replenished following periods of intensive utilization by autotrophs.
Freshwater input in Patagonian fjords in southern Chile (41-55°S) results in one of the
largest estuarine regions worldwide. Here strong haline water column stratification
prevents nutrient mixing to the surface layers thus potentially shutting off algal production.
Our working hypothesis considered that in order to reconcile the observed pulsed
productivity pattern, periodic breaking (associated to surface nutrient replenishment) and
re-establishment of estuarine conditions (associated to water column stratification) would
be required. Up to now however our understanding of the physical processes that control
water column conditions in the Patagonian fjord area has been extremely limited.
Here we present evidence linking the passage of synoptic low pressure fronts to
pulsed productivity events in the Patagonian fjord area. These front controls and influence
local processes of interaction between the fjord and the atmosphere generating a rapid
water column response. In the specific case of the Puyuhuapi fjord we have been able to
show that such synoptic fronts induce surface flow reversal and water column mixing.
Phytoplankton blooming occurs after the passage of the synoptic front once calmer
conditions prevail and estuarine conditions are re established.
The occurrence of an extremely productive bloom of the dinoflagellate Heterocapsa
sp. in July 2014, after the passage of a synoptic low pressure front provided, for the first
time, strong evidence that phytoplankton blooming in the Patagonian fjord ecosystems is
controlled by synoptic processes and that they are not limited by light as previously