Actas de congresos
Role of the Chloride co-transporter NKCC1 in excitability of dentate Gyrus in chorinic epilepsy
Granule cells of the dentate gyrus (GCDG) are the
gatekeepers of the tri-synaptic hippocamapal
circuit in part by an intrinsically low cell excitability,
which is pathologically increased in Temporal Lobe
Epilepsy. Alterations in the delicate balance
between excitation and inhibition in the nervous
system is involved in several neurological
conditions. g-amino butyric acid (GABA) is the
most important inhibitory neurotransmitter in the
nervous system, however excitatory effects have
been observed in GCDG in epileptic patients. This
is produced by an outward flux of chloride ions,
whose pathological intracellular concentration is
mediated by the activity of the Sodium Potassium
co-Transporter 1 (NKCC1), which accumulates
chloride in the cell. The expression of this
transporter is very low in mature brain, showing a
decrease in expression for born to virtually no
detection at P18. In light of this evidence, we
wanted to study how intracellular chloride levels
and NKCC1 expression alter the circuit excitability
in mature GCDG, in order to understand the role of
this co-transporter in both normal and epileptic
neurons for a possible use as anti-epileptic drug.
Here we show by extracellular field potentials
recordings of acute hippocampal slices of adult
animals that application of the selective NKCC1
inhibitor Bumetanide produces a decrease in
circuit excitability in synaptic and population spike
signals of both control and epileptic animals. In
summary, these results show that NKCC1 is
functionally expressed in mature neurons, and
careful investigation of its function should be
performed before its use as anti-epilpetic drug.