Informe Final
Strengthening The Sub-Millimeter/Millimeter Astronomy At The Universidad De Valparaiso
Universidad de Valparaíso
With the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) up and running, together with the more established APEX, ASTE and Nanten, we feel it is urgently necessary to strengthen the practical knowledge base in the submillimeter/millimeter radio astronomy at the University for the optimal usage of these facilities across the field of studies within the University. As the commissioning phase of ALMA nearing its end, there are astronomers recently finishing the ALMA commissioning available to disseminate their sub-millimeter/millimeter astronomy knowledge to the community of the University of Valparaiso. The ALMA CONICYT fund funded this two years postdoctoral position for an astronomer with detailed knowledge in sub-millimeter/millimeter astronomy urgently needed to strengthen the knowledge base in sub-millimeter/millimeter radio astronomy at the University. The candidate will be one whose research activity is in line with the active leading research of the massive star group of the University, reinforcing the research of the group at the Institute of Physics and Astronomy (IFA), University of Valparaiso.