Selberg integrals, super-hypergeometric functions and applications to beta-ensembles of random matrices
We study a new Selberg-type integral with n+m indeterminates, which turns out to be related to the deformed Calogero-Sutherland systems. We show that the integral satisfies a holonomic system of n + m non-symmetric linear partial differential equations. We also prove that a particular hypergeometric function defined in terms of super-Jack polynomials is the unique solution of the system. Some properties such as duality relations, integral formulas, Pfaff-Euler and Kummer transformations are also established. As a direct application, we evaluate the expectation value of ratios of characteristic polynomials in the classical beta-ensembles of Random Matrix Theory. Keywords. Author Keywords:Selberg integrals; super-Jack polynomials; multivariate hypergeometric function; beta-ensembles