dc.description.abstractThis conference focused on the wider context in which information professionals operate. Information professionals are responsible for managing, storing, retrieving, presenting and disseminating information. This conference examined legal, ethical and other issues that the information professional needs to be aware of and take account of in offering an information service. The papers, together, raise issues of relevance to all branches of the library and information profession: information brokers, public librarians engaged in offering free information, information consultants and academic library and information workers. The issues are considered against the backdrop of an international information industry, with sorne focus on the particular problems associated with information provision and flow in Europe. These proceedings represent a unique review of a number of legal and ethical issues, and they have a significant contribution to make to the heightening of awareness of such issues, and to continuing and stimulating debate. Both practising information professionals and students should regard these proceedings not merely as a state-of-the-art distillation, but also as an important basis for practice and policy. Legal and ethical issues are a thread running through most papers in the conference, although each paper seeks to view these issues from a different perspective. An appropriate starting point is intellectual property rights. This was the topic of Session 1 which includes papers on these traditional areas of intellectual property rights; patents, trademarks and design copyright and copyright. There ha ve been changes in legislation and practice and concems in each of these fields in recent years, and jointly the papers serve as a useful overview of these important controls on the use and application of information.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.titleWhere the Book Stopos. The Legal Dimensions of Information

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