Tesis Doctorado
Black holes in three dimensiónal higher spin gravity
Banados-Lira, Máximo
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Inside a theory of gravity coupled to higher spin fields in three dimensions, the problem
on the existence of black hole solutions carrying higher spin charges is studied. A consistent
thermodynamic description for static and circularly symmetric higher spin fields living on the
solid torus is given by purely topological considerations.
As the higher spin symmetries are bigger than the diffeomorphisms group, in this theory, the
usual geometrical notions to define regular black holes solutions, i.e., curvature, causal structure,
etc., are ruled out. This rise the necessity of find them by considering other, more direct,
methods which are worked out in this thesis based mainly on topological considerations and on
coordinates matters. Finally, a simple ansatz to build regular higher spin black holes and higher
spin fields is given.