Tesis Magíster
Outer bulge rr lyrae stars in the vvv survey
Minniti, Dante
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
The VISTA Variables in the V´ıa L´actea (VVV) is a near-IR time-domain survey
of the Galactic bulge and southern plane. One of the main goals of this survey is to
reveal the 3D structure of the Milky Way through their variable stars. This primary
distance indicator are the RR Lyrae stars due to the high number density present
in the bulge area and the tight period–luminosity (P–L) relation that they follow in
near-IR bands.
Our goal in this project is to characterize the RR Lyrae population in the outer
bulge (−10! . ` . 10! and −10! . b . −8!) in terms of their periods, amplitudes,
Fourier coefficients, and distances, in order to evaluate the 3D structure of the bulge
in this area. The distance distribution of RR Lyrae stars will be compared to the one
of red clump stars that is known to trace a x-shaped structure in order to determine
if these two di↵erent stellar populations share or not the same Galactic distribution.
A search for RR Lyrae stars was performed in more than ⇠ 40 sq deg. In the
procedure the "2 value and analysis of variance (AoV) statistic methods were used
for determining the variability and periodic features of the light curves, respectively.
On the other hand, the red clump stars of the same analyzed region were selected
applying cuts in the color-magnitude diagram and restricting the maximum distance
to ⇠ 20 kpc to construct a similar catalog in terms of distances and covered area
compared to the RR Lyrae stars. As a result of this analysis, we report the detection of more than 880 RR Lyrae
ab-type stars in the VVV Survey located in the outskirts of the Galactic bulge.
Some of them possibly associated with the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy. We
calculated colors, reddening, extinction, and distances of the detected RR Lyrae stars
in order to determine the outer bulge 3D structure. Our main result is that, at the
low galactic latitudes mapped here, the RR Lyrae stars trace a centrally concentrated
spheroidal distribution. This is a noticeably di↵erent spatial distribution to the one
traced by red clump stars known to follow a bar and x-shape structure.