Tesis Magíster
Comparison of three empirical stomatal conductance models in acacia caven (mol.) Under drought conditións
Meza, Francisco J.
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Stomatal conductance (
) is the main controller of the plant-atmosphere
interaction and a key feature to understand how natural vegetation copes with drought.
Stomatal conductance empirical models base their performance in linking
environmental variables to stomatal behavior. However, when facing water scarcity,
different considerations rise, such as integrating the effect of soil moisture or plant
water status over
, variation of physiological and fitting parameters throughout the
season or latent heat ( ) partitioning between canopy, soil and bare soil substratum
must be taken into account.
We studied
in an Acacia caven (Mol.) Shrubland Savannah in Central Chile
under Mediterranean-type climate conditions, thus presenting clearly distinguishable
wet and dry seasons. We compared three completely independent empirical models:
(1) The inversion of the Penman-Monteith equation in combination with the
Shuttleworth and Wallace model for evaporation from sparse canopies, (2) the Jarvis
multiplicative approach and (3) the Farquhar-Ball and Berry model. Models were
validated with leaf gas exchange measurements during both wet and dry season.
showed a high synchronicity with soil moisture thus presenting a
typical isohydric behavior, proper of this kind of vegetation. Because soil water content
was incorporated in the Jarvis approach, best agreement with ground based
measurements was achieved with this model. The Farquhar-Ball and Berry model
showed a high dependency on photosynthetically active radiation ( ), thus reaching
higher values during summer and a low correlation with ground based
measurements, especially during the dry season. The inverted Penman-Monteith
equation combined with the Shuttleworth and Wallace model presented a correct fit,
however scaling issues such as ecosystem heterogeneity and patchiness must be
considered when using a “top-down” approach.
Empirical models demonstrated to be a good tool for predicting stomatal
behavior in this kind of vegetation; nevertheless plant water status or deep soil water availability must be integrated in computation in order to improve model