Tesis Doctorado
Differentiatión of maqui (aristotelia Chilensis) genotypes according to their anthocyanin content as a criterión of selectión for its commercial productión
Montenegro, Gloria
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
There is an increasing international demand for new health products, and the
ethnic character of certain raw materials has gained particular interest
(Raghavan, 2004; Seeram, 2008, Sloan, 2009). This market requires products
with certain standard active ingredients and production-level certifications, such
as traceability and safety. These factors have generated the need for scientific
and technological knowdledge for the proper use of native plant resources. This
knowledge includes domestication, selection and breeding of the native species
as well as the standardization of raw material quality based on its health
Among these raw materials, the maqui fruit (Aristotelia chilensis [Mol.] Stuntz,
Elaeocarpaceae) from Chile has acquired special interest (Seeram, 2008). The
family Elaeocarpaceae includes 10 worldwide genus and 400 species. In Chile
exist two genus (Crinodendron and Aristotelia) and three species (C.
hookerianum, C. patagua y A. chilensis) (Rodriguez et al. 1983). Maqui is an
evergreen species that is distributed from Limarí (Region IV) to Aisen (XI
Region), in both the Central Valley and the Andes Mountain, from near sea level
up to 2,500 m above sea level (Rodriguez et al., 1983). The fruits are small
berries, which are sold mainly in local markets (Hoffmann, 1982; Montenegro,
2002). For the Mapuche culture, the plant is a sacred symbol of "good
intentions." In folk medicine the leaves are used as an infusion for throat
diseases. Fruits are used as an antidiarrheal. Based on the ethnobotanical
properties, local people prepare a maqui wine called "tecu" and the juice is used
as a dye (Montes and Wilkomirsky, 1987; Meza and Villagran, 1991, Muñoz et
al., 2001). The health benefits of maqui have been attributed to its high polyphenol
content, as well as to the variety of anthocyanins and flavonols in both its leaves
(Avello et al., 2008) and fruits (Araya et al., 2006). The polyphenol and
anthocyanin content of maqui fruit is higher than other introduced and cultivated
species (Miranda-Rottmann et al., 2002, Araya et al., 2006). Escribano-Bailon
et al. (2006) identified eight anthocyanins in maqui fruit; delphinidin derivatives
(73%) predominate and delphinidin-3-glucoside-5-sambubioside has been
described as the main anthocyanin (34% of total anthocyanins).
Antioxidant activity of maqui fruit is highly correlated with its anthocyanin
content (Miranda-Rottmann et al., 2002). Maqui fruit phenolic extracts have also
shown antioxidant activity in-vivo (Céspedes et al., 2008). A standardized
anthocyanin-rich formulation from maqui fruit has shown anti-diabetic effects invitro
and in-vivo (Rojo et al., 2012).
Recently, selection and breeding programs of some plant species have been
incorporating the determination of bioactive compounds as an evaluation
criterion. For example, in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa L.) breeding
programs, polyphenol content and antioxidant activity are considered as quality
parameters complementary to yield, sensory characteristics, disease resistance
and adaptation to specific cultivation conditions (Capocasa et al., 2008a,
2008b). Another important example is the selection and breeding of cranberry
(Vaccinium macrocarpum), whose anthocyanin content (Tacy) has been
considered an essential parameter in obtaining new varieties (Vorsa 2007,