Tesis Magíster
L evenement urbain festif: vers une gestión de site exploratoire sur l espace public
Bourdin, Alain
Université París
“Festive urban events” (EUF) stand out not only as new social practices, but also as urbanactions providing a basis for urban research. Compared to "traditional" urban actions and current methods of public space management, “Festive urban events” in public spaces follow different dynamics; they are ephemeral, cyclic, and immaterial. This research examines the management implications of “Festive urban events” and attempts to determine if these events‟ dynamics can unlock new perspectives for public space management.To answer our research enquiries, a “Management of site” (GS) theoretical framework is used.This theoretical framework describes and addresses the common management methods of four “urbansites”: multimodal rail stations, downtown areas, shopping malls, and private residences with services.These four site types are complexes, incorporating the coexistence of multiple urban functions and services, varied practices and interacting sector-based interests. These site types are permanent and offer a unique ambiance to their users.It appeared early on that a “Management of site” framework also allows describing the management methods of another kind of “urban site”, ephemeral nature, which seems as complex as those previously analyzed by this theoretical framework: the ephemeral sites in which “Festive urban events” are held. The “Management of site” framework was therefore examined with two different “Festive urban events” taking place in an ephemeral site: “Bordeaux-fête-le-vin” in the city of Bordeaux and the “Rendez-vous de l‟Erdre” in the city of Nantes. This choice was made largelybecause these “Festive urban events” are held in ephemeral sites comprised of a number of differentyet interacting components that require complex management: riverbank public places. The analysis of management methods of both these “Festive urban events” through the prism of the “Management of site” framework provides substantial insight into special event management. This insight enhances our understanding of complex public space management and enriches the “Management of site” framework by introducing new analysis criteria.