Tesis Doctorado
Sujet: dynamic nonlinear soil-structure interactión
Arézou, Modaressi
Ecole Des Arts
The dynamic interaction of the soil with a superstructure (DSSI) las been the subject of numerous investigations assuming elasticity of both, superstructure and soil foundation behavior. Nevertheless, the effect of DSSI may differ between elastic and inelastic systems. Thus, the current interaction methodologies based on elastic response studies could not be directly applicable to structures expected to behavior even for relatively weak to moderate ground motions. Consequently, ignoring these characteristics in studying DSSI could leal erroneous predictions of structural damage. The main purpose of this work is to develop a general strategy to address the full DSSI problem in the context of the seismic vulnerability analysis of structures. Thus, realistie Finite Elements models are construeted and applied in a practical way to deal with these issues. These models cover a large range of soil conditions and structural typologies under several earthquake databases. Some modeling strategies are introduced and validated in order to reduce the computational cost. Therefore, an equivalent 2 D model is developed, implemented in GEFDyn and used in teh large parametric study conducted. Several indicators for both structural and soil responses are developed in order to synthesize their behavior under seismic loading. Additionally, a vulnerability assessment strategy is presented in terms of measures of information provided by a greound motion selection.