| Tesis Magíster
Building the first sample of mgii absorbers in clusters/groups of galaxies
Barrientos, Felipe
López, Sebastián
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
This study presents Gemini/GMOS-S multi-object spectroscopy of 31 highredshift
galaxy cluster candidates, lying at a projected distance < 2 h:¡l M pe
from 9 quasar sight-lines, where Mg II absorption systems have been previously
detected ata redshift similar to that of the galaxy cluster candidates (program
ID: GS-2008A-Q-10; PI: S. López). This sample has been taken from López et
al. (2008). The absorption systems span rest-frame equivalent widths 0.015
::::; W5796
::::; 2.028 Á, and absorption redshifts 0.2507 ::::; Zabs ::::; 1.0951. The aim
of this work is three-fold: 1) find the absorbing galaxies, 2) confirm spectroscopically
the presence of galaxy clusters in the vicinity of each quasar sight-line,
and 3) confirm whether the galaxies hosting the absorbers reside in galaxy clusters
or not. The main result is that out of 23 absorption systems, 8 Mg II absorbers
are found in galaxy clusters of M200 rv 2 X 1014 M0, and 4 in galaxy
groups. The absorbing galaxies have luminosities L8 rv L'B and mean restframe
colors (Re - z') typical of Sbc-Scd galaxies. Those residing in clusters of
galaxies host weak absorbers and appear to be consistent with a lower star formation
activity than the absorbing galaxies found in the field. These last ones
produce strong absorptions and appear as typical isolated absorbing galaxies
found in the literature. Also the number density and equivalent width distribution
of weak Mg II absorbers in clusters of galaxies agree with the field expectations
as stated in López et al. (2008), even when constraining further the redshift
path of the survey according to our confirmations of clusters of galaxies.