Tesis Doctorado
Perceptión de la qualite du vin par les consommateurs
Schlich, Pascal
In the recent years the wine consumption tends to decline, causing a world wine production surplus. Therefore, the wineries want to diversify their production to wines more qualitativeand therefore more expensive. Thus, it is important to understand how the consumersperceived the wine quality. This work proposes a questionnaire measuring the perceived complexity of the wine. It demonstrated a strong link between the perception of the complexity and quality of a wine. The wines which are perceived like qualitative are wines concentrated in aromas persistent for the sensory point ofview.Moreover, the sensory perception of quality is more correlated with the quality displayed by the market. However, there are differences in the quality perception according to the originalconsumer. In this study, French consumers were able to associate sensory differences between wines to different categories of market prices, whereas the British consumers cannot do thisassociation. Moreover, it has been shown, by adapting the method of Temporal Dominance of Sensations consumers of wine, that the temporal profiles of the wines had several more qualitative sensations perceived almost simultaneously, rather than sequences of sensations.Thus, the complexity of a wine would be a sensory integration of multiple sensations in the same unit of time, rather than a series of simple sensory signals.Finally, an effect associated with repeated exposure to short and long term was confmned: the preferences of consumers exposed to high quality wines are progressing well towards thewines most qualitative.