tesis de maestría
Habilidad financiera de los fondos mutuos accionarios nacionales en Chile
2014Registro en:
Langlois Samsó, Nicolás
This paper studies the performance of fund managers in equity mutual funds in Chile throughout the period 2002-2014 with monthly data. Financial skill in terms of stock picking and style timing are measured simultaneously, using dynamic coefficients for risk-loadings in terms of the four risk factors of the Fama-French-Carhart framework. The dynamics of the coefficients are modeled as dependent on copper prices, oil prices, and Chilean economic activity (using a monthly indicator). The main result is that the average fund manager did not add value in gross terms. After administration costs are subtracted, the average manager destroyed investor wealth, at a rate of 2.9% annually. Nevertheless, we also identify a minority of skilled managers that in fact created wealth for investors in some subperiods. Another result was that the average manager showed no timing ability. In addition, we find that mutual funds present diseconomies of scale, and that investors reward funds with high excess returns in the past.