dc.contributorGallego Yáñez, Francisco
dc.contributorWagner, Gert
dc.contributorDíaz Bahamonde, José Gregorio
dc.contributorPontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Instituto de Economía
dc.creatorBaragwanath Vogel, Kathryn
dc.description.abstractWe extend a model by Acemoglu et al (2013) developed to explain this phenomenon, and include a measure of natural resource wealth in the government budget constraint. The model predicts that countries with higher natural resource income per capita will have lower equilibrium checks and balances We run multinomial logistic regressions in order to estimate the effects of oil reserves per capita and value of oil reserves per capita on the probability of having high checks and balances. Given the panel data nature of our dataset, we are able to include both time and country level fixed effects. Time fixed effects help isolate trends, while country level fixed effects capture time invariant, country specific characteristics which affect checks and balances. The results show a negative effect of both oil reserves per capita and the value of average oil reserves per capita on the probability of having high checks and balances.
dc.rightsacceso abierto
dc.titleChecks and balances in weakly institutionalized countries
dc.typetesis de maestría

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