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Volumetric Contraction And Drying Kinetics Of Musa Sapientum Slices [contração Volumétrica E Cinética De Secagem De Fatias De Banana Variedade Terra]
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Pesquisa Agropecuaria Tropical. Universidade Federal De Goias (ufg), v. 45, n. 2, p. 155 - 162, 2015.
Drying is a method employed in food preservation, which influences the preservation time, quality and durability of these products. This study aimed to characterize the drying kinetics and evaluate the shrinkage of Musa sapientum slices, under temperatures of 40-60 ºC. The mathematical models used to analyze drying were diffusion approximation, two terms, Midilli & Kucuk and Thompson, while the ones used to evaluate shrinkage were Lozano, McMinn & Magee, Rovedo, Suarez & Viollaz and Ratti. The model that best fitted the experimental drying data was Midilli & Kucuk, for presenting the best coefficient of determination (R2) and the lowest average relative error (P) and estimate standard deviation (SE). For shrinkage, the best model was Ratti, due to its higher R2 and lower P and SE. The volume reduction (VR) presented an inverse relation with temperature. For temperatures of 40 ºC, 50 ºC and 60 ºC, the VR estimates with pachymeter were respectively 21.65%, 19.46% and 17.74%, while the estimates with image were 27.74%, 24.08% and 22.50%. © 2015 Universidade Federal De Goias (UFG). 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