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Microstructural Evolution During Upward And Downward Transient Directional Solidification Of Hypomonotectic And Monotectic Al-bi Alloys
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Journal Of Alloys And Compounds. , v. 480, n. 2, p. 485 - 493, 2009.
Silva A.P.
Spinelli J.E.
Garcia A.
Upward directional unsteady-state solidification experiments were performed with both a hypomonotectic Al-2.0 wt% Bi alloy and a monotectic Al-3.2 wt% Bi alloy. Besides, the monotectic composition (3.2 wt% Bi) was directionally solidified under downward transient heat flow conditions, which enables the effects of melt convection on the final microstructure to be evaluated since the collective downward movement of Bi-rich particles is favored in such case. This is due to the density differences between the two coexisting liquid phases. The thermal parameters such as cooling rate, growth rate and thermal gradient were experimentally determined by data collected from cooling curves recorded along the casting length. The monotectic features observed in the Al-3.2 wt% Bi alloy castings, i.e. the interphase spacing and Bi-rich particles diameter were correlated with the growth rate and thermal gradient. The cell spacing was experimentally determined for the Al-2.0 wt% Bi alloy as a function of both the cooling rate and tip growth rate. These experimental data were compared with the main predictive cellular growth models from the literature. A comparison between upward and downward unsteady-state solidification results for the interphase spacing and Bi-rich particles diameter has also been conducted. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 480 2 485 493 Phanikumar, G., Dutta, P., Galun, R., Chattopadhyay, K., (2004) Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 371, pp. 91-102 Yasuda, H., Ohnaka, I., Fujimoto, S., Takezawa, N., Tsuchiyama, A., Nakano, T., Uesugi, K., (2006) Scripta Mater., 54, pp. 527-532 Yasuda, H., Ohnaka, I., Fujimoto, S., Sugiyama, A., Hayashi, Y., Yamamoto, M., Tsuchiyama, A., Kishio, K., (2004) Mater. Lett., 58, pp. 911-915 Grugel, R.N., Lograsso, T.A., Hellawell, A., (1984) Metall. Trans. A, 15, pp. 1003-1012 Zhao, J.Z., He, J., Hu, Z.Q., Ratke, L., (2004) Z. Metallkd., 95, pp. 362-368 Ludwig, A., Wu, M., Abondano, A., Ratke, L., (2006) Mater. Sci. Forum, 508, pp. 193-198 Ratke, L., Müller, A., (2006) Scripta Mater., 54, pp. 1217-1220 Ratke, L., (2005) Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 413-414, pp. 504-508 Carlberg, T., Bergman, A., (1985) Scripta Metall., 19, pp. 333-336 Derby, B., Favier, J.J., (1983) Acta Metall., 31, pp. 1123-1130 Yang, S., Liu, W., (2001) J. Mater. Sci., 36, pp. 5351-5355 Grugel, R.N., Hellawell, A., (1981) Metall. Trans., 12 A, pp. 669-681 Silva, A.P., Spinelli, J.E., Garcia, A., J Alloy Compd, , in press. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2008.07.021 Ratke, L., (2003) Metall. Mater. Trans., 34 A, pp. 449-457 Aoi, I., Ishino, M., Yoshida, M., Fukunaga, H., Nakae, H., (2001) J. Cryst. Growth, 222, pp. 806-815 Reuß, M., Ratke, L., Zhao, J., (2006) Mater. Sci. Forum, 508, pp. 37-44 Hunt, J.D., (1979) International Conference on Solidification and Casting of Met als, pp. 3-9. , The Metals Society, London Kurz, W., Fisher, J.D., (1981) Acta Metall., 29, pp. 11-20 Kurz, W., Fisher, J.D., (1992) Fundamentals of Solidification, , Trans Tech Public, Switzerland pp. 85-90 Trivedi, R., (1984) Metall. Mater. Trans., 15 A, pp. 977-982 Hunt, J.D., Lu, S.Z., (1996) Metall. Mater. Trans., 27 A, pp. 611-623 Spinelli, J.E., Ferreira, I.L., Garcia, A., (2004) J. Alloy Compd., 384, pp. 217-226 Gündüz, M., Çardili, E., (2002) Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 327, pp. 167-185 Rocha, O.L., Siqueira, C.A., Garcia, A., (2003) Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 361, pp. 111-118 Goulart, P.R., Cruz, K.A.S., Spinelli, J.E., Cheung, N., Ferreira, I.L., Garcia, A., (2009) J. Alloys Compd., 470, pp. 589-599 Rosa, D.M., Spinelli, J.E., Ferreira, I.L., Garcia, A., (2006) J. Alloys Compd., 422, pp. 227-238 Bouchard, D., Kirkaldy, J.S., (1997) Metall. Mater. Trans., 28 B, pp. 651-663 Zhao, J.Z., Ratke, L., (2004) Scripta Mater., 50, pp. 543-546 Ratke, L., Alkemper, J., (1995) Adv. Colloid Interf. Sci., 58, pp. 151-170