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Characterising Discrete-time Linear Systems With The "mixed" Positive Real And Bounded Real Property
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European Journal Of Control. European Control Association, v. 20, n. 5, p. 259 - 268, 2014.
Souza M.
Griggs W.M.
Ordonez-Hurtado R.H.
Sajja S.S.K.
Lanzon A.
Shorten R.N.
In this paper, we present characterisations of linear, shift-invariant, discrete-time systems that exhibit mixtures of small gain-type properties and positive real-type behaviours in a certain manner. These "mixed" systems are already fairly well characterised in the continuous-time domain, but the widespread adoption of digital controllers makes it necessary to verify whether commonly used discretisation procedures preserve the characteristic of "mixedness". First, we analyse the effects of classical discretisation methods on the "mixed" property using Nyquist methods. A frequency domain feedback stability result is then presented. Finally, we develop a spectral-based characterisation of "mixed" discrete-time systems which provides a practical computational test that can also be applied to the MIMO case. Several examples validate the developed theory. 20 5 259 268 Anderson, B.D.O., Failures of adaptive control theory and their resolution (2005) Commun. Inf. 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