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Fisher Information And Kinetic Energy Functionals: A Dequantization Approach
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Journal Of Computational And Applied Mathematics. , v. 233, n. 6, p. 1542 - 1547, 2010.
Hamilton I.P.
Mosna R.A.
We strengthen the connection between information theory and quantum-mechanical systems using a recently developed dequantization procedure whereby quantum fluctuations latent in the quantum momentum are suppressed. The dequantization procedure results in a decomposition of the quantum kinetic energy as the sum of a classical term and a purely quantum term. The purely quantum term, which results from the quantum fluctuations, is essentially identical to the Fisher information. The classical term is complementary to the Fisher information and, in this sense, it plays a role analogous to that of the Shannon entropy. We demonstrate the kinetic energy decomposition for both stationary and nonstationary states and employ it to shed light on the nature of kinetic energy functionals.© 2009 Elsevier B.V. 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