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Initial Phase Modelling In Numerical Explosion Applied To Process Safety
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Process Safety And Environmental Protection. Institution Of Chemical Engineers, v. 92, n. 6, p. 590 - 597, 2013.
Vianna S.S.V.
Cant R.S.
The utilisation of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in process safety has increased significantly in recent years. The modelling of accidental explosion via CFD has in many cases replaced the classical Multi Energy and Brake Strehlow methods. The benefits obtained with CFD modelling can be diminished if proper modelling of the initial phase of explosion is neglected. In the early stages of an explosion, the flame propagates in a quasi-laminar regime. Proper modelling of the initial laminar phase is a key aspect in order to predict the peak pressure and the time to peak pressure. The present work suggests a modelling approach for the initial laminar phase in explosion scenarios. Findings are compared with experimental data for two classical explosion test cases which resemble the common features in chemical process areas (confinement and congestion). A detailed analysis of the threshold for the transition from laminar to turbulent regime is also carried out. The modelling is implemented in a fully 3D Navier-Stokes compressible formulation. Combustion is treated using a laminar flamelet approach based on the Bray, Moss and Libby (BML) formulation. A novel modified porosity approach developed for the unstructured solver is also considered. Results agree satisfactorily with experiments and the modelling is found to be robust. 92 6 590 597 Abu-Orf, G.M.O., (1996) Laminar Flamelet Reaction Rate Modelling for Spark Ignition Enginges, , UMIST, UK, Ph.D. Thesis Arntzen, B.J., (1998) Modelling of Turbulence and Combustion for Simulation of Gas Explosions in Complex Geometries, , The Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Division of Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics, Norway, Ph.D. Thesis Atkinson, G., Cusco, L., Buncefield. A violent, episodic vapour cloud explosion (2011) Process Saf. Environ. Prot., 89, pp. 360-370 Bakke, J.R., Hjertager, B.H., The effect of explosion venting in empty volumes (1987) Int. J. Numer. 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