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Public Service Innovation And Evaluation Indicators
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Journal Of Technology Management And Innovation. , v. 8, n. SPL.ISS.2, p. 285 - 297, 2013.
Cruz S.
Paulino S.
This paper analyzes innovation in public services with emphasis on the application of evaluation indicators. It considers the clean development mechanism (CDM) projects developed in the Bandeirantes and São João landfills, both located in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. There are two methodological procedures. First, the analysis is based on a multi-agent innovation approach. Second, there is an adaptation of the social carbon methodology (SCM) constructing indicators to assess the social and environmental outcome of landfill CDM projects in order to identify opportunities for innovations in services related to the solid waste sector. The application of the multi-agent model for innovation in public services in the solid waste sector makes it possible to bring together the political actors, service organizations and consumers / users. 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