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Using The Nintendo ® Wii For Rehabilitation Of Children With Cerebral Palsy: A Case Study [uso Do Nintendo® Wii Para Reabilitação De Crianças Com Paralisia Cerebral: Estudo De Caso]
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Revista Neurociencias. , v. 21, n. 2, p. 286 - 293, 2013.
Tavares C.N.
Carbonero F.C.
Finamore P.S.
Kos R.S.
Objective. To assess the effectiveness of intervention with the Nintendo ® Wii (NW) as a complementary therapy for rehabilitation of gross motor function and balance in patients with cerebral palsy (CP). Method. Case study with 2 patients with clinical diagnosis of spastic diparetic CP, classified by the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) and evaluated through the scales Pediatric Balance Scale (PBS) and Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM-88). They undergone into a standardized intervention with NW twice a week for 20 sessions, after physical therapy. Results. Both the subjects 1 and 2 showed an increase in the score of the scales PBS and GMFM-88. Conclusions. The results suggest that the intervention with the NW is effective to increase the gross motor function in children with moderate performance and balance in patients with mild impairment; however, it requires a study with a larger population to characterize the NW as a complementary tool of rehabilitation. 21 2 286 293 Vilibor, R., Vaz, R.H., Correlação entre a função motora e cognitiva de pacientes com Paralisia Cerebral (2010) Rev Neurocienc, 18, pp. 380-385 Amaral, P., Mazzitelli, C., Alterações Ortopédicas em Crianças com Paralisia Cerebral da Clínica-Escola de Fisioterapia da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (Umesp) (2003) Rev Neurocienc, 11, pp. 29-33 Marinho, R., Cardoso, L., Idalgo, G., Jucá, S., Hemorragia periventricular, intraventricular e mecanismos associados à lesão em recém-nascidos pré-termos (2007) Acta Fisiatr, 14, pp. 154-158 Rotta, N.T., Paralisia cerebral, novas perspectivas terapêuticas (2002) J Pediatr (Rio J), 78, pp. 48-54. , Mota, A.P., Pereira, J.S., Influência da fisioterapia nas alterações motoras em crianças com paralisia cerebral (2006) Fisioter Bras, 7, pp. 209-212 Clark, R., Bryant, A., Pua, Y., McCrory, P., Bennell, K., Hunt, M., Validity and reliability of the Nintendo Wii Balance Board for assessment of standing balance (2010) Gait Posture, 31, pp. 307-310. , Keshner, E.A., Kenyon, R.V., Postural and Spatial Orientation Driven by Virtual Reality (2009) Stud Health Technol Inform, 145, pp. 209-228 Fritz-Walter, Z., Jones, S., Tjondronegoro, D., (2008) Detecting gesture force peaks for intuitive interaction, pp. 475-483. ,, Proceedings of the 5th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment Muller, F.F., Gibbs, M.R., Vetere, F., (2008) Taxonomy of Exertion Games, pp. 263-266. , Proceedings of OZCHI, Australasian Computer Human Interaction Conference Barcala, L., Colella, F., Araujo, M.C., Salgado, A., Oliveira, C., Análise do equilíbrio em pacientes hemiparéticos após o treino com o programa Wii Fit (2011) Fisioter Mov, 24, pp. 337-343. , Deutsch, J.E., Borbely, M., Filler, J., Huhn, K., Guarrera-Bowlby, P., Use of a Low-Cost, Commercially Available Gaming Console (Wii) for Rehabilitation of an Adolescent with Cerebral Palsy (2008) Phys Ther, 88, pp. 1196-1207. , Cameirão, M.S., Bermúdez, B., Oller, E.D., Verschure, P., Neurorehabilitation using the virtual reality based Rehabilitation Gaming System: Methodology, design, psychometrics, usability and validation (2010) J Neuroeng Rehabil, 7, p. 48. , Jack, D., Boian, R., Merians, A.S., Tremaine, M., Burdea, G.C., Adamovich, S.V., Virtual Reality-Enhanced Stroke Rehabilitation (2001) IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 9, pp. 308-318. , Sveistrup, H., Motor rehabilitation using virtual reality (2004) J Neuroeng Rehabil, 1, p. 10. , Palisano, R., Rosenbaum, P., Walter, S., Russell, D., Wood, E., Galuppi, B., Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) (1997) Dev Med Child Neurol, 39, pp. 214-223. , Silva, D.B.R., Pfeifer, L.I., Funayama, C.A.R., GMFCS-E & R © Versão Brasileira, ,, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Neurociências e Ciências do Comportamento-Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo. 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