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Phenotypic Characteristics Of Resistant Hypertension In The Brazilian Population [características Fenotípicas Da Hipertensão Arterial Resistente Na População Brasileira]
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Arquivos Brasileiros De Cardiologia. , v. 100, n. 6, p. 579 - 582, 2013.
de Faria A.P.C.
Sabbatini A.R.
Coca A.
Moreno H.
Resistant hypertension (RH) is defined as blood pressure that remains above target in spite of the concurrent use of three or more classes of antihypertensive drugs at optimized doses (UCRH), with one of them being a diuretic. Moreover, patients whose blood pressure is controlled while using four or more antihypertensive medications are also considered controlled resistant hypertensive (CRH) subjects. Although this definition may be useful in terms of categorizing a larger group of resistant hypertensive individuals, as these two subgroups share high cardiovascular risk, some important clinical and pathophysiologic particularities need to be better evaluated, before considering resistant controlled and uncontrolled patients as part of the same group. We compared cardiovascular characteristics of these two subgroups with resistant hypertension. In spite of some similar features, the UCRH subgroup has cardiovascular phenotypes with worse prognosis, such as increased vascular stiffness and left ventricular hypertrophy, as well as more impaired endothelial function and lower nocturnal blood pressure dipping, among others. Considering these differences, the UCRH subgroup is associated with greater cardiovascular risk and may be considered as more resistant to antihypertensive treatment. 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