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Pain, Masticatory Performance And Swallowing Threshold In Orthodontic Patients
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Dental Press Journal Of Orthodontics. , v. 18, n. 6, p. 117 - 123, 2013.
Trein M.P.
Mundstock K.S.
Maciel L.
Rachor J.
Gameiro G.H.
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess pain, masticatory performance and swallowing threshold of patients undergoing orthodontic treatment. Methods: Ten patients of both genders (mean age of 17.25 ± 5.21 years), with complete permanent dentition, who underwent orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances were evaluated. The masticatory performance and the swallowing threshold were assessed by patient's individual capacity of fragmenting an artificial test food (Optocal) which was chewed and had the resulting particles processed by a standardized siev- ing method, presenting the median particle size (MPS) of crushed units. The intensity of pain/discomfort during chewing was evaluated by means of a visual analog scale. All tests were performed at the following times: T0 - before activating the orthodontic appliance; T1 - 24 hours after activation, and T2 - 30 days after activation. Results: The results showed a significant increase in pain at T1 (T0 - 0.60 ± 0.70 mm; T1 - 66.2 ± 34.5 mm), returning to baseline values at T2 (3.20 ± 3.82 mm). Masticatory performance was also reduced in T1 (MPS 10.15 ± 1.1 mm2) in comparison to T0 (MPS 7.01 ± 2.9 mm2) and T2 (MPS 6.76 ± 1.3 mm2). However, particle size was not affected in the swallowing threshold test (T0 - 5.47 ± 2.37 mm2; T1 - 6.19 ± 2.05 mm2; T2 - 5.94 ± 2.36 mm2). Conclusion: The orthodontic appliances did not interfere in the size of the particles that would be swallowed, even in the presence of pain. © 2013 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics. 18 6 117 123 Krishnan, V., Orthodontic pain: From causes to management-a review (2007) EurJ Orthod, 29 (2), pp. 170-179 Jones, M., Chan, C., The pain and discomfort experienced during orthodontic treatment: A randomized controlled clinical trial of two initial aligning arch wires (1992) Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 102 (4), pp. 373-381+18 Polat, O., Karaman, A.I., Durmus, E., Effects of preoperative ibuprofen and naproxen sodium on orthodontic pain (2005) Angle Orthod, 75 (5), pp. 791-796 Gameiro, G.H., Pereira-Neto, J.S., Magnani, M.B., Nouer, D.F., The Influence of Drugs and Systemic Factors On Orthodontic Tooth Movement (2007), 41 (2), pp. 73-78Kvam, E., Gjerdet, N.R., Bondevik, O., Traumatic ulcers and pain during orthodontic treatment (1987) Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 15 (2), pp. 104-107+20 Scheurer, P.A., Firestone, A.R., Bürgin, W.B., Perception of pain as a result of orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances (1996) Eur J Orthod, 18 (4), pp. 349-357+21 van der Bilt, A., Assessment of mastication with implications for oral rehabilitation: A review (2011) J Oral Rehabil, 38 (10), pp. 754-780 Fontijn-Tekamp, F.A., Slagter, A.P., van der Bilt, A., Van'T, H.M.A., Witter, D.J., Kalk, W., Jansen, J.A., Biting and chewing in overdentures, full dentures, and natural dentitions (2000) J Dent Res, 79 (7), pp. 1519-1524 van den Braber, W., van der Bilt, A., van der Glas, H., Rosenberg, T., Koole, R., The influence of mandibular advancement surgery on oral function in retrognathic patients: A 5-year follow-up study (2006) J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 64 (8), pp. 1237-1240+24 Sierpinska, T., Golebiewska, M., Dlugosz, J., Kemona, A., Laszewicz, W., Connection between masticatory efficiency and pathomorphologic changes in gastric mucosa (2007) Quintessence Int, 38 (1), pp. 31-37+25 Pocztaruk, R.L., Frasca, L.C., Rivaldo, E.G., De Fernandes, E.L., Gavião, M.B., Protocol for production of a chewable material for masticatory function tests (Optocal Brazilian version) (2008) Braz Oral Res, 22 (4), pp. 305-310 Bergius, M., Kiliaridis, S., Berggren, U., Pain in orthodontics. 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