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Robust ℋ2 Static Output Feedback To Control An Automotive Throttle Valve
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Proceedings Of The American Control Conference. Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers Inc., v. , n. , p. 3141 - 3146, 2014.
Vargas A.N.
Acho L.
Pujol G.
Oliveira R.C.L.F.
Do Val J.B.R.
Peres P.L.D.
The paper presents a control strategy for an automotive electronic throttle body, a device largely used into vehicles to increase the efficiency of the combustion engines. The synthesis of the proposed controller is based on a linear matrix inequality (LMI) formulation, which allows us to deal with uncertainties on the measurements of the position of the throttle valve. The LMI approach generates a suboptimal solution for the robust ℋ2 static output feedback control problem, and the corresponding suboptimal control gain was evaluated in practice to control the valve position of the throttle. The usefulness of the approach has been verified not only by numerical simulations but also by real experiments taken in a laboratory prototype. © 2014 American Automatic Control Council.
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