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Eliciting Requirements For Learning Design Tools A Semio-participatory Approach
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Lecture Notes In Computer Science (including Subseries Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence And Lecture Notes In Bioinformatics). Springer Verlag, v. 8719 LNCS, n. , p. 1 - 14, 2014.
Arpetti A.
Baranauskas M.C.C.
Leo T.
The need to properly design educational intervention, representing explicitly what students and teachers are planned to do, has been acknowledged in literature. Thus, Learning Design (LD) tools, if made accessible and usable by teachers, can bring significant benefits potentially improving results of educational practices. Although effort has been made in developing systems to support the learning design process, literature has shown they have not yet reached a sufficient spread among teachers. This paper investigated the subject by conducting semio-participatory practices with a group of teachers at a distance, to understand the meaning they make to issues regarding learning design practices and representations, aiming at eliciting user requirements for a prospective LD tool. © 2014 Springer International Publishing Switzerland. 8719 LNCS
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