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Anti-hemorrhagic Effect Of Hydro-alcoholic Extract Of The Leaves Of Mikania Glomerata In Lesions Induced By Bothrops Jararaca Venom In Rats
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Acta Cirurgica Brasileira. , v. 29, n. 1, p. 30 - 37, 2014.
Mourao V.B.
Giraldi G.M.
Neves L.M.G.
de Gaspari de Gaspi F.O.
Rodrigues R.A.F.
Alves A.A.
Esquisatto M.A.M.
Mazzi M.V.
Mendonca F.A.S.
dos Santos G.M.T.
Purpose: To investigate the effects of hydroalcoholic leaf extract of Mikania glomerata Spreng (Asteraceae) on the activity of Bothrops jararaca snake venom in Wistar rats. Methods: Fifty four rats Wistar were divided into six groups of nine animals in each: control treated with saline; control treated with B. jararaca venom; control treated with M. glomerata extract; B. jararaca venom incubated with M. glomerata extract at proportions of 1:1, 1:2, and 1:4. Results: Histopathological and morphometric analysis showed that intradermal administration of snake venom incubated with the hydroalcoholic extract at proportions of 1:1, 1:2 and 1:4 promoted a significant reduction in the number of inflammatory cells and a marked decrease in edema after the third hour. There was also a significant reduction in the intensity of the hemorrhagic halo in animals receiving the snake venom incubated with the extract, with the observation of a progressive and parallel inhibition with increasing proportion of M. glomerata. Conclusion: The Mikania glomerata hydroalcoholic extract exerted effective anti-inflammatory and antihemorrhagic activity against the effects induced by Bothrops jararaca snake venom. 29 1 30 37 Albuquerque, H.N., Costa, T.B.G., Cavalcanti, M.L.F., Estudo dos acidentes ofídicos provocados por serpentes do gênero Bothrops notificados no Estado da Paraíba (2004) Rev Bio Ciênc Terra., 5, pp. 1-7 Domingos, T.F.S., Moura, L.A., Carvalho, C., Campos, V.R., Jordão, A.K., Cunha, A.C., Ferreira, V.F., Fuly, A.L., Antivenom effects of 1,2,3-triazoles against Bothrops jararaca and Lachesis muta snakes (2013) Biomed Res Int., 2013, p. 294289. , Epub 2013 Apr 22 Sgrignolli, L.R., Mendes, G.E.F., Carlos, C.P., Burdmann, E.A., Acute kidney injury caused by Bothrops snake venom (2011) Nephron Clin Pract., 119, pp. 131-137 Bjarnason, J.B., Fox, J.W., Hemorrhagic metalloproteinases from snake venoms (1994) Pharmacol Ther., 62, pp. 325-372 Markland, F.S., Snake venoms and the hemostatic system (1998) Toxicon., 36, pp. 1749-1800 Soares, A.M., Januário, A.H., Lourenço, M.V., Pereira, M.A.S., Pereira, O.S., Neutralizing effects of snake venoms exhibited by Brazilian plants (2004) Drugs Future., 29, pp. 1105-1117 da Silva, J.O., Coppede, J.S., Fernandes, V.C., Sant'Ana, C.D., Ticli, F.K., Mazzi, M.V., Giglio, J.R., Sampaio, S.V., Antihemorrhagic, antinucleolytic and other antiophidian properties of the aqueous extract from Pentaclethra macroloba (2005) J Ethnopharmacol., 100, pp. 145-152 Oliveira, C.Z., Maiorano, V.A., Marcussi, S., Sant'Ana, C.D., Januário, A.H., Lourenço, M.V., Sampaio, S.V., Soares, A.M., Anticoagulant and antifibrinogenolytic properties of the aqueous extract from Bauhinia forficata against snake venoms (2005) J Ethnopharmacol., 98, pp. 213-216 Santhosh, M.S., Hemshekhar, M., Sunitha, K., Thushara, R.M., Jnaneshwari, S., Kemparaju, K., Girish, K.S., Snake venom induced local toxicities: Plant secondary metabolites as an auxiliary therapy (2013) Min Rev Med Chem., 13, pp. 106-123 Holetz, F.B., Pessini, G.L., Sanches, N.R., Cortez, D.A.G., Nakamura, C.V., Filho, B.P.D., Screening of some plants used in the Brazilian Folk-Medicine for the treatment of infectious diseases (2002) Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz., 97, pp. 1027-1031 Ohkoshi, E., Kamo, S., Makino, M., Fujimoto Y. ent-Kaurenoic acids from Mikania hirsutissima (Compositae) (2004) Phytochemistry., 65, pp. 885-890 Rüngeler, P., Brecht, V., Tamayo-Castillo, G., Merfort, I., Germacranolides from Mikania glomerata (2001) Fitoterapia., 56, pp. 475-489 Aguinaldo, A.M., Padolina, W.G., Abe, F.Y.T., Flavonoids from Mikania cordata (2003) Biochem System Ecol., 31, pp. 665-668 Gasparetto, J.C., Campos, F.R., Budel, J.M., Pontarolo, R., Mikania glomerata e M. laevigata: Estudos agronômicos, genéticos, morfoanatômicos, químicos, farmacológicos, toxicológicos e uso nos programas de fitoterapia do Brasil-Uma revisão (2010) Rev Bras Farmacogn., 20, pp. 627-640 Ruppelt, B.M., Pereira, E.F., Gonçalves, L.C., Pereira, N.A., Pharmacological screening of plants recommended by folk medicine as anti-snake venom. 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