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Hearts Of Palm In Conserve: Identity And Quality Aspects And Their Implications On Food Safety
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International Food Research Journal. , v. 17, n. 2, p. 453 - 459, 2010.
Costa M.L.
Cruz A.G.
Walter E.H.M.
Faria J.A.F.
Sant'Ana A.S.
Granato D.
The current study aimed to evaluate the safety aspects of 30 samples of hearts of palm in conserve from 10 different Brazilian commercial brands by determining the pH value and evaluating the adequacy of the labels with respect to the labeling norms defined in current Brazilian legislation. The results showed that none of the 30 samples analyzed showed pH values above 4.5, being in accordance with the value specifed in the legislation. On the other hand, 90% of the brands failed to conform to current labeling norms with respect to one or more parameters, showing that monitoring programs should be carried out periodically by the sanitary vigilance authorities. © 2008 IFRJ. 17 2 453 459 Berbari, S.A.G., Prati, P., Junqueira, V.C.A., Industrial adaptability of the heart of palm from Archontophoenix alexandrae and A. 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