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Tensor Products, Characters, And Blocks Of Finite-dimensional Representations Of Quantum Affine Algebras At Roots Of Unity
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International Mathematics Research Notices. , v. 2011, n. 18, p. 4147 - 4199, 2011.
Jakelic D.
De Moura A.A.
We establish several results concerning tensor products, q-characters, and the block decomposition of the category of finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras in the root of unity setting. In the generic case, a Weyl module is isomorphic to a tensor product of fundamental representations and this isomorphism was essential for establishing the block decomposition theorem. This is no longer true in the root of unity setting. We overcome the lack of such a tool by utilizing results on specialization of modules. Furthermore, we establish a sufficient condition for a Weyl module to be a tensor product of fundamental representations and prove that this condition is also necessary when the underlying simple Lie algebra is. We also study the braid group invariance of q-characters of fundamental representations. © 2010 The Author(s). 2011 18 4147 4199 Abe, Y., Nakashima, T., Evaluation representations of quantum affine algebras at roots of unity (2006) Journal of Mathematical Physics, 47 (8), p. 083514 Polo, P.A.H., Kexin, W., Representations of quantum algebras (1991) Inventiones Mathematicae, 104 (1), pp. 1-59 Beck, J., Braid group action and quantum affine algebras (1994) Communications in Mathematical Physics, 165 (3), pp. 555-68 Beck, J., Chari, V., Pressley, A., An algebraic characterization of the affine canonical basis (1999) Duke Mathematics Journal, 99 (3), pp. 455-87 Beck, J., Kac, V.G., Finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras at roots of unity (1996) Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 9 (2), pp. 391-423 Beck, J., Nakajima, H., Crystal bases and two-sided cells of quantum affine algebras (2004) Duke Mathematical Journal, 123 (2), pp. 335-402 Bouwknegt, P., Pilch, 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