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Impact Project: Four Years Working To Overcome The Underride Tragedy
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Sae Technical Papers. , v. , n. , p. - , 2000.
Mariolanian J.R.L.
Schmutzler L.O.F.
Arruda A.C.F.D.
Mazarin J.C.
Stelluti J.C.
Santos P.S.P.D.
The Impact Project is a cooperative work between UNICAMP, General Motors do Brazil and Mercedes -Benz do Brazil, whose main goals are to design, construct and test reliable underride guards for trucks, trailers and semitrailers, and to present solutions to government authorities. To attain these aims two underride guards were designed and three crash tests carried out. The results were used as reference to elaborate a new Brazilian standard. This paper highlights the underride question from a technical point of view, reviews the activities already carried out by the Impact Project and discusses the new Brazilian standard regulating underride guards. Copyright © 2000 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
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Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc Mariolani, J.R.L., Schmutzler, L.O.F., Arruda, A.C.F., Occhipinti, S., Santos, P.S.P., Mazarin, J.C., Stellute, J.C., Resolução CONTRAN No. 805/95 não garante segurança aos ocupantes de automóveis (1998) Simpósio Tendências Tecnológicas Automotivas, , Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Automotiva (AEA), São Paulo, October 18, 1998 Mariolani, J.R.L., Schmutzler, L.O.F., Arruda, A.C.F., Occhipinti, S., Santos, P.S.P., Mazarin, J.C., Stellute, J.C., Impact Project: Searching for Solution to the Underride Problem. International Truck & Bus Meeting & Exposition (1998) SAE Paper 982755. (Published Also In: Truck and Bus Safety Issues, SP-1400 and in Transactions of SAE: Journal of Commercial Vehicles 1998), , Indianapolis, USA, November 16-18, 1998. 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