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Detection Of Borrelia Burgdorferi In Biological Samples Using The Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay
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Research In Microbiology. , v. 142, n. 5, p. 565 - 572, 1991.
Debue M.
Gautier P.
Hackel C.
Van Elsen A.
Herzog A.
Bigaignon G.
Bollen A.
Oligonucleotide primers were used in the polymerase chain reaction assay to amplify specific DNA regions of the Borrelia burgdorferi 49-kb linear plasmid. One set of primers identifies a 442-bp DNA fragment in the OspA gene and a second pair of amplimers, a 176-bp DNA piece located in the OspB gene. The last set of primers. OspBpc3/pc4. outperformed the other pair in discriminating pathogenic North American or European isolates from related bacterial species, detected down to 4 spirochaetes, and was suitable for the identification of B. burgdorferi in biological samples, such as synovial and cerebrospinal fluids. © 1991. 142 5 565 572 Allal, Thomas, Vieyres, Mazzonelli, Baranton, La Maladie de Lyme. Isolement d'une Borrelia dans le liquide céphalorachidien (1986) Méd. Mal. infect., 16, pp. 445-446 Anderson, Doby, Couatarmanac'h, Hyde, Johnson, Différences antigéniques entre les souches de B. burgdorferi isolées de I. ricinus en Bretagne (1986) Méd. 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