dc.creatorDebue M.
dc.creatorGautier P.
dc.creatorHackel C.
dc.creatorVan Elsen A.
dc.creatorHerzog A.
dc.creatorBigaignon G.
dc.creatorBollen A.
dc.identifierResearch In Microbiology. , v. 142, n. 5, p. 565 - 572, 1991.
dc.descriptionOligonucleotide primers were used in the polymerase chain reaction assay to amplify specific DNA regions of the Borrelia burgdorferi 49-kb linear plasmid. One set of primers identifies a 442-bp DNA fragment in the OspA gene and a second pair of amplimers, a 176-bp DNA piece located in the OspB gene. The last set of primers. OspBpc3/pc4. outperformed the other pair in discriminating pathogenic North American or European isolates from related bacterial species, detected down to 4 spirochaetes, and was suitable for the identification of B. burgdorferi in biological samples, such as synovial and cerebrospinal fluids. © 1991.
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dc.relationResearch in Microbiology
dc.titleDetection Of Borrelia Burgdorferi In Biological Samples Using The Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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