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Electroless Deposited Nickel Hard Mask For High Density Plasma Etching Applications
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Ecs Transactions. , v. 14, n. 1, p. 403 - 411, 2008.
Nunes A.M.
Moshkalev S.A.
Flacker A.
Tatsch P.I.
Besseler E.
Ni electroless films were used as a material for hard mask during highdensity ICP plasma etching. The results have shown that under the plasma exposure strong hardening of the mask occurs and the rate of Ni film removal falls at least an order of magnitude as compared with its initial value. Therefore, very high selectivities for Si etching over Ni are obtained, allowing for very deep etching required for some MEMS applications. © The Electrochemical Society. 14 1 403 411 Yu, H.S., Luo, S.F., Wang, Y.-R., A comparative study on the crystallization behavior of electroless Ni-P and Ni-Cu-P deposits (2001) Surface and Coatings Technology, 148, pp. 143-148 Park, Y.S., Kim, T.H., Lee, M.H., Kwon, S.C., Study on the effect of ultrasonic waves on the characteristics of electroless nickel deposits from an acid bath (2002) Surface and Coatings Technology, 153, pp. 245-251 Bates, J., Why Use Electroless Nickel Today? (2000) Plating & Surface Finishing, pp. 14-16 Gawrilov, G.G., (1979) Chemical (electroless) Nickel-plating, , Portcullis Press Ltd, Great Britain Kobayashi, T., Ishibashi, J., Mononobe, S., Ohtsu, M., Honma, H., Electroless Nickel Plating for Nanofabrication in Optics (2000) Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 147, pp. 1046-1049 Dubin, V.M., Electroless Ni-P Deposition on Silicon with Pd Activation (1992) J. Electrochem. Soc, 139, pp. 1289-1294 Oraon, B., Majumdar, G., Ghosh, B., Improving hardness of electroless Ni-B coatings using optimized deposition conditions and annealing (2007) Materials and Design Park, J.H., Lee, N.-E., Park, J.S., Lee, J., Park, H.D., Deep dry etching of borosilicate glass using SF6 and SF6/Ar inductively coupled plasmas (2005) Microelectronic Engineering, 82 (2), pp. 119-128 Franssila, S., Kiihamäki, J., Karttunen, J., Etching through silicon wafer in inductively coupled plasma (2000) Microsystem Technologies, 6, pp. 141-144 Karmalkar, S., Sridhar, D., Banerjee, J., A Novel Activation Process for Autocatalytic Electroless Deposition on Silicon Substrates (1997) J. Electrochem. Soc, 144, pp. 1696-1698 Monteiro, M.J.R., Kostryukov, A., Daltrini, A.M., Moshkalyov, S.A., Machida, M., Besseler, E., Inductively Coupled Plasma Test Reactor Development and Plasma Measurements (2005) Proceedings, pp. 226-234. , Electrochemical Society, pp Quévy, E., Parvais, B., Raskin, J.P., Buchaillot, L., Flandre, D., Collard, D., A modified Bosch-type process for precise surface micromachining of polysilicon (2002) J. Micromech. Microeng, 12, pp. 328-333