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Least Squares Finite Element Method For 3d Unsteady Diffusion And Reaction-diffusion Problems
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Wseas Transactions On Fluid Mechanics. World Scientific And Engineering Academy And Society, v. 9, n. 1, p. 196 - 209, 2014.
Romao E.C.
Martins J.A.
Moura L.F.M.
In this paper a study to application of Least Squares Finite Element Method (LSFEM) is made and with auxiliary equations (temperature derivatives) in the solution of Transient Three-dimensional Diffusion-Reaction. In order to do so, two applications are presented and discussed, one of them Pure Diffusion and another Diffusion-Reaction, both solved towards the constructive meshes with hexahedron of 8 and 27 nodes. 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