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Introduction To An Epistemology Of Use [introdução A Uma Epistemologia Do Uso]
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Caderno Crh. , v. 25, n. SPL.ISS.2, p. 73 - 95, 2012.
Moreno A.R.
In our text, by presenting a conception of philosophical pragmatics and taking into account a wittgensteinian exposition of the language games, we wish to show that the therapeutic description of the uses of words, through the procedure of methodological variations of their diverse applications, suggests a precious series of elements which allow for the exploration of the concept of use as indicative of a field that clarifies the epistemic activity of constitution of meaning, through the work with language and elements of the extra-linguistic world. From this viewpoint, the epistemic activity would not be limited to the elaboration of cognitive models, but should be understood as constitutive of meaning in general, the cognitive forms being a mere chapter - albeit an important one - of the more general activity of constitution that defines what the object is - or better, defines its sense. 25 SPL.ISS.2 73 95 Carnap, R., (1942) Introduction to Semantics, , Harvard,USA: Harvard University Press Granger, G.G., L'espace logique dans le tractatus (1990) Invitation À La Lecture De Wittgenstein, , WITTGENSTEIN, L, Aix-en-Provence: Alinea Moreno, A.R., Erro, ilusão, loucura (2004) Bento. Erro, Ilusão, Loucura - Ensaios, , PRADO JR, São Paulo: Ed.34 Moreno, A.R., (2005) Introdução a Uma Pragmática Filosófica, , Campi nas: Unicamp Moreno, A.R., (2011) Introduction À Une Epistémologie De L'usage, , Paris: Ed. L'Harmattan Moreno, A.R., Pensamento e realidade: Em direção a uma prag mática filosófica (2007) Wittgenstein: Aspectos Pragmáticos, 49. , In: (Org.), Campinas, Coleção Cle Moreno, A.R., Pensamento formal e descrição dos usos das palavras (2008) Alguns Aspectos Do Pensa Mento Formal - Homenagem a Gilles-Gaston Granger, 58. , In:. (Org.), Cam pinas, Coleção Cle Moreno, A.R., Pensée formelle et description de l'usage des mots (2010) La Pensée De Gilles-Gaston Granger, , Paris: Ed. Hermann Moreno, A.R., From satz to begriff em image and imaging in philosophy (2011) Science and The Arts, 1. , In: INTERNATIONAL WITTGENSTEIN SYMPOSIUM IN KIRCHBERG, 33, 2010, Germany. Proceedings... Germany: ALWC, Ontos Verlag Moreno, A.R., La description grammaticale et sa function transcendantale, em grammatical ou transcendantal (2012) Cahiers De Philosophie Du Langage, 8. , Paris, L'Harmattan Morris, C., Foundations of the theory of signs (1938) INTERNATIONAL ENCYCOLOPEDIA of UNIFIED SCIENCE, 1 (2). , Chicago Wittgenstein, J.J.L., BF - Bemerkungen über die Farben/ A Gramática das Cores em Wittgenstein (2002) Trad. J.C.Salles, p. 35. , Campinas, São Paulo, Coleção CLE Wittgenstein, J.J.L., (2005) BT -The Big Typescript/TS213, German/English Scholar's Edition, Edited. and Translated By LUCKARDT, C.G. AUE, A.E, , Oxford: Blackwel,l Wittgenstein, J.J.L., (1967) BGM - Bemerkungen Über Die Grundlagen Der Mathematik/Remarks On the Foundations of Mathematics, 2.ed., G.H.von Wright, R.Rhees and G.E.M.Anscombe, Translated By G.E.M.Anscombe, , Oxford: Blackwell Wittgenstein, J.J.L., (1998) CV - Culture and Value, Revised Edition, Edited By G.H.von Wright In Collaboration With H.Nyman, Revised By A.Pichler, Translated By Peter Winch, , Oxford: Blackwell Wittgenstein, J.J.L., (1997) DW/S - Dictées De Wittgenstein À Waismann Et Pour Moritz Schlidk, 1. , Paris, A.Soulez, PUF, Textes inédits, années 1930 Wittgenstein, J.J.L., (1968) IF - Philosophische Untersuchungen/Philosophical Investigations, 3.ed., Translated By G.E.M. Anscombe, , Oxford: Blackwell Wittgenstein, J.J.L., (1998) ÜC - Über Gewissheit/On Certainty, Ed. By G.E.M.Anscojmbe and G.H.von Wright, Translated By D.Paul and G.E.M.Anscombe, , Oxford: Blackwell Wittgenstein, J.J.L., (1961) Tr - Tractatus Logico-philosophicus.London: Routldge $ Kegan Paul Wittgenstein, J.J.L., Z - Zetell, Edited By G.E.M. Anscombe and G.H.von Wright, Translated By G.E.M.Anscombe, , Oxfor: Blackwell