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Corporate Reformers Of Education: From Demoralisation Of The Teaching To Destruction Of The Public Education System [os Reformadores Empresariais Da Educação: Da Desmoralização Do Magistério à Destruição Do Sistema Público De Educação]
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Educacao E Sociedade. , v. 33, n. 119, p. 379 - 404, 2012.
De Freitas L.C.
This study aims to gather empirical evidence usually skimmed by corporate reformers of education in Brazil and present some of the characteristics that mark the proposal of "new reformers". The categories that defi ne this central educational policy involve a combination of accountability, meritocracy and privatization. This study presents the American production because it is privileged in this country; these ideas were more widely tested with results that characterize them as a true lost decade for American education. In Brazil, these ideas are growing particularly at the state and municipal education. It is intended to warn of the risks of these policies as evidenced in research and educational practice. 33 119 379 404 (2012) Com incentivo de empresas, SP terá mais 100 escolas "modelo" em2013, ,, AÇÃO EDUCATIVA. 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