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Trichothecenes: Occurrence, Analytical And Toxicological Aspects [tricotecenos: Ocorrência, Aspectos Analíticos E Toxicológicos]
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Revista Brasileira De Toxicologia. , v. 14, n. 1, p. 37 - 51, 2001.
Bannwart G.C.M.C.
Reyes F.G.R.
Trichothecenes are a group of sesquiterpenoid mycotoxins, mainly produced by some species of Fusarium. They are generally found in cereals and derived products, in cold and wet regions. These compounds are associated with intoxications in humans and animals and are responsible for neurological disorders, effects in the gastrointestinal tract, haemorrhage and skin inflammations. The most known trichothecenes, which will be discussed in this paper, are nivalenol, deoxynivalenol, diacetoxyscirpenol and T-2 toxin. 14 1 37 51 Abramson, D., Clear, R.M., Usleber, E., Gessler, R., Nowicki, T.W., Märtlbauer, E., Fusarium species and 8-keto-trichothecene mycotoxins in Manitoba barley (1998) Cereal Chemistry, 75 (1), pp. 137-141 Adak, G.K., Corry, J.E.L., Moss, M.O., Use of impedimetry to detect trichothecene mycotoxins. 1. 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