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Handling Time-varying Tsp Instances
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0780394879; 9780780394872
2006 Ieee Congress On Evolutionary Computation, Cec 2006. , v. , n. , p. 2830 - 2837, 2006.
De Franca F.O.
Gomes L.C.T.
De Castro L.N.
Von Zuben F.J.
Multimodal optimization algorithms are being adapted to deal with dynamic optimization, mainly due to their ability to provide a faster reaction to unexpected changes in the optimization surface. The faster reaction may be associated with the existence of two important attributes in population-based algorithms devoted to multimodal optimization: simultaneous maintenance of multiple local optima in the population; and self-regulation of the population size along the search. The optimization surface may be subject to variations motivated by one of two main reasons: modification of the objectives to be fulfilled and change in parameters of the problem. An immuneinspired algorithm specially designed to deal with combinatorial optimization is applied here to solve time-varying TSP instances, with the cost of going from one city to the other being a function of time. The proposal presents favorable results when compared to the results produced by a high-performance ant colony optimization algorithm of the literature. © 2006 IEEE.
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