Actas de congresos
Clustering Bus Load Curves
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2004 Ieee Pes Power Systems Conference And Exposition. , v. 3, n. , p. 1251 - 1256, 2004.
Salgado R.M.
Ohishi T.
Ballini R.
This paper proposes the clustering of a set of busses through a fuzzy c-means clustering approach. The utilization of fuzzy techniques in a clustering problem aims the attainment of a partition fuzzy in the data set, allowing degrees of relationship between different elements of the set, this way, an element can belong to more than one group with different membership value. In this paper the clustering algorithm aims at exploring data characteristics and determining groups composed by busses with similar bus daily load. Results show the efficiency of the clustering method, where the data was classified into distinct groups such as: commercial, residential and industrial consumption profiles. © 2004 IEEE. 3
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