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Bringing Social Constructs To The Information System Development Process: Contributions Of Organisational Semiotics
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9728865198; 9789728865191
Iceis 2005 - Proceedings Of The 7th International Conference On Enterprise Information Systems. , v. , n. , p. 112 - 119, 2005.
Simoni C.A.C.
Baranaukas M.C.C.
Bonacin R.
Literature has shown the influence of the social, cultural and organisational aspects involved in the process of developing information systems. The Unified Process (UP) has been widely used in the software industry, but literature has shown its drawbacks when applied to the modelling of human actions in the social and organisational contexts. Our research investigates the use of Organisational Semiotics (OS) methods combined with the UP to compose a complete cycle of system development, aiming at bringing social constructs to the development process of information systems.
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