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Incidence Of Toxigenic Fungi And Ochratoxin A In Dried Fruits Sold In Brazil
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Food Additives And Contaminants. , v. 22, n. 12, p. 1258 - 1263, 2005.
Iamanaka B.T.
Taniwaki M.H.
Menezes H.C.
Vicente E.
Fungaro M.H.P.
A total of 117 dried fruit samples (black sultanas, white sultanas, dates, dried plums, dried figs and apricots) from different origins were analysed both for toxigenic fungi and for the presence of ochratoxin A. Amongst the fungi found, Aspergillus niger was predominant, with 406 isolates, of which 15% were ochratoxin A producers. They were followed by A. ochraceus, with 15 isolates and 87% ochratoxigenics, and A. carbonarius, with only five isolates of which 60% were ochratoxin A producers. The average infection rates for A. niger in black sultanas, plums, figs, dates and white sultanas were 22.0, 8.0, 4.0, 1.5 and 0.5%, respectively. The apricot samples were not contaminated by any fungi or ochratoxin A. Black sultana and dried figs contained the highest contamination with ochratoxin A, with 33 and 26.3% of the samples containing more than 5 μg kg-1 respectively, while all the white sultanas, dates and plums had no sample that exceeded this limit. © 2005 Taylor & Francis. 22 12 1258 1263 Abarca, M.L., Accensi, F., Bragulat, M.R., Castellá, G., Cabanes, F.J., A carbonarius as the main source of OTA contamination in dried vine fruits from Spanish market (2003) Journal of Food Protection, 66, pp. 504-506 Abarca, M.L., Bragulat, M.R., Castellá, G., Cabanes, F.J., Ochratoxin A production by strains of Aspergillus niger var. niger (1994) Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 60, pp. 2650-2652 Altschul, S.F., Gish, W., Miller, W., Myers, E.W., Lipman, D.J., Basic local alignment search tool (1990) Journal of Molecular Biology, 215, pp. 403-410 Azevedo, A.C.S., Furlaneto, M.C., Sosa-Gomez, D.R., Fungaro, M.H.P., Molecular characterization of Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes) isolates (2000) Scientia Agricola, 57, pp. 729-732 Battilani, P., Pietri, A., Bertuzzi, T., Languasco, L., Giorni, P., Kozakiewicz, Z., Occurrence of ochratoxin A-producing fungi in grapes grown in Italy (2003) Journal of Food Protection, 66, pp. 633-636 Maximum limits for ochratoxin A (2005) Official Journal European Communities, , Commission of the European Communities. 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