A Prescriptive Model for Supply Chain Integration: an Evolutionary Approach -Edición Única
Canfield Rivera, Carlos E.
Purpose : The main purpose of this study is to attain a deeper understanding about the evolutionary process that vertically integrated firms need to undertake towards supply chain integration. Mor e specifically it attempts to answer two general research questions: (a) What are the factors that enable/inhibit the establishment of supply chain integration practices, in a vertically integrated firm and: (b) How can a congruent prescriptive model be traced to assist VI firms in their evolution towards supply chain integration. Design/Methodology/Approach: This study is framed in a research program characterized by two concurrent action research projects. The core action research involving the researcher in an organization contributing with management to the solution of real-life problems and a dissertation action research whos e main purpose is to make a distinctive contribution in the field of supply chain integration. Findings: Both projects are based on a process maturity approach and consider the gradual evolution of vertically integrated firms through mor e integrated and participative approaches, characterized by relational exchanges. As a result of the research some guidelines are proposed to help managers in this transition. Supply chain integration is contingent on external variables that might hinder or foster its evolution. The collateral results of the core action research project revealed that supply chain integration wa s not only a matter of technical and tactical issues, but rather of strong iv considerations about hierarchies, resistance to change and status-quo. incentive misalignment, hidden agenda s and lack of a deliberate strategic process amon g other problems along the human dimension of integration. Originality/value: As such, the model contributed to further advancement in the field, filling a gap by combining present with emergent knowledge in the process of implementing supply chain integration in a vertically integrated firm.