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Battered child syndrome with stomatological repercussions. Case report
Martagón Cabrera, Luis Raziel
Belmont Laguna, Francisco
de la Teja Ángeles, Eduardo
Téllez Rodríguez, Jorge
Introduction: Battered child syndrome is defi ned as all forms of violence, prejudice or physical and mental abuse, carelessness or neglect infl icted on the child while under the care of his parents, tutors or any other person exerting physical and/or intellectual superiority. In over 50% of all cases lesions are found in the head and neck area. For that reason, dentists, especially pediatric dentists, must be aware to recognize all sorts of battering or neglect based on a suitably-taken clinical history, and focused exploration when suspicion of battered child syndrome is established. Objective: To be knowledgeable with BCS intra- and extra-oral indicators which might allow the pediatric dentist to recognize signs and contribute in the diagnosis as part of a multi-disciplinary team in charge of providing care to this type of patients. Clinical case: A two year, fi ve month old male patient was brought to the National Pediatrics Institute affl icted with peri-orbital edema, multiple limb fractures and oral-facial indicators which suggested battered child syndrome diagnosis. Conclusion: Taking into consideration the frequency with which oral and facial structures are involved in battered child syndrome cases there is a medical, ethical and legal commitment for all dentists and specifi cally pediatric dentists, to intervene in prevention, detection, diagnosis and treatment of this medical and social problem.