dc.creatorMaldonado Moreno, Juan Antonio
dc.creatorLombard Romero, Luis
dc.creatorLombard Romero, Luis
dc.creatorGutiérrez Camacho, Claudia
dc.creatorGutiérrez Camacho, Claudia
dc.creatorCanseco Jiménez, Joaquín Federico
dc.creatorCanseco Jiménez, Joaquín Federico
dc.creatorCuairán Ruidíaz, Vicente
dc.creatorCuairán Ruidíaz, Vicente
dc.descriptionThe search for the true mandibular position with respect to theglenoid fossa and the relationship of the other components whichconstitute the temporomandibular joint known as centric relation(CR) are essential factors for its diagnosis, treatment and stability.The aim of the present study was to assess two techniques used forrecording CR: power centric technique and gothic arch technique,with the purpose of determining the most effective method toconfer greater accuracy to the recording. This was triggered bythe fact that in our institution some inconsistencies had beendetected when taking records of patients affl icted with considerables keletal discrepancies or malformations. Fifteen healthy skeletal class II patients were assessed. Patients’ ages ranged from 13to 17 years. Eight patients were female (53.4%) and seven male(46.6%). Using both techniques, thirty mountings were performedin a semi-adjustable articulator, condylar changes were monitoredusing axial condylar position indicator (API). Results revealed no significant differences, nevertheless, observed transversal, verticaland saggital changes were greater with the gothic arch technique.en-US
dc.publisherFacultad de Odontologíaes-ES
dc.sourceRevista Odontológica Mexicana; Vol 19, No 1-INGes-ES
dc.subjectCentric relation, gothic arch, centric power relationen-US
dc.titleAssessment of two techniques for the recording of mandibular central relationship: gothic arch versus power centric relationen-US
dc.typeArtículos de revistas
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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