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Anti-particles in the inner magnetosphere: energetic positron population.
Anti-particles in the inner magnetosphere: energetic positron population.
Martin, I. M.
Gusev, A. A.
Pugacheva, G. I.
Silva Mello, M. G.
Anti-particles can be generated as secondaries by nuclear reactions of cosmic rays and energetic trapped particles with the residual terrestrial atmosphere, and can to trapped in the magnetosphere by the Earth's magnetic field. The trapped fluxes of anti-protons and positrons could be larger than the interstellar fluxes generated by cosmic rays. The possible existence of a natural positron belt in the Earth's magnetosphere is considered. It is suggested that the positrons may be produced by the nuclear reaction of trapped relativistic protons in the inner zone with the residual atmosphere. The positron spectrum in the range of 10 - 100 MeV at the top of L = 1.2 is calculated and found to be in agreement with experimental results. Se analiza la generación de antipartículas atrapadas en el cinturón interior de la magnetosfera. Dichas partículas podrían tener flujos en exceso de los flujos interestelares generados por rayos cósmicos. Al considerar la existencia de un cinturón natural de positrones en la magnetosfera, proponemos que dichos positrones serían generados por una reacción nuclear de los protones relativistas atrapados en el cinturón anterior con la atmosfera residual. El espectro calculado de positrones a 10-100 MeV en el nivel superior L = 1.2 concuerda con los resultados experimentales.