Many of the studies of the social structure of Formative Mesoamerica are still speculative due to the lack of appropiateand operable models based on the archaeological data. This paper examines the most relevant indicators that are helpful toadequately understand the social structure of Formative Mesoamerica. Seven indicators are selected: artifacts, techniques of cultivation, household cluster; monumental architecture, mortuary practices, site catchment areas and settlement pattern. An integral analysis of these factors reveals the fundamental part of the economic structure on which the social structure is based, forming a complex feed-back systemic relationship. In this paper, mortuary customs are given special consideration. Following Binford's idea, the classification of mortuary attributes, is established, as reflected in the techniques and ritual phenomena of mortuary customs, which are the determining elements in the understanding of the social structure. The analysis of the system of mortuary practices offers great potential as one of the most relevant indicators for the construction of a model of the social structure, Thus according to Binford, the structure of a social system is symbolized in death through variations in forrns of mortuary ritual, resulting in a high and direct correlation between the complexity of mortuary ceremonial and the complexity of the social structure.
Este artículo presenta un primer paso de la construcción del primer modelo que permite comprender la estructura social del Formativo de Mesoamérica. Se examinan los indicadores más relevantes que pueden ayudar a comprender adecuadamente dicha estructura, ya que, analizados de manera integral nos revelan la estructura económica sobre la cual se basa la estructura social. En este artículo se hace hincapié en las costumbres funerarias, tomando en cuenta las proposiciones de Binford para quien la clasificación de los atributos de un entierro se establecen como un reflejo de técnicas y fenómenos rituales de las costumbres funerarias, elementos que son determinantes para entender la estructura social. De esta manera, la muerte, a través de las variaciones de la forma del ritual mortuorio, simboliza la estructura de un sistema social.